Definicion de software libre richard stallman youtube

For the sake of separation, this site has always been hosted elsewhere and managed separately. The views expressed here are my personal views, not those of the free software foundation or the gnu project. Por ejemplo, no es bueno utilizar windows, apple y facebook. Richard stallman simple english wikipedia, the free. He created gnu emacs, the gnu c compiler, and the gnu debugger. Ha desarrollado muchos programas informaticos, como emacs, gcc y gnu debugger.

Stallman definicion y significado diccionario ingles collins. Richard stallman software libre y educacion youtube. Founder of the free software foundation and one of the most popular figures in opensource. Software libre open source explicado por richard stallman. Richard stallman las 4 libertades del software libre 1. Dont develop nonfree software, or service as a software substitute. Richard stallman born march 16, 1953 is the founder of the free software movement, the gnu project, and the free software foundation. Este video intenta explicar software libre o tambien llamado en ingles open. Este usuario lo tiene en su poder y lo utiliza, y no lo libera al publico ni como codigo fuente ni como binario. Richard stallman, creador del movimiento del software. I firmly refuse to install nonfree software or tolerate its installed presence on my computer or on computers set up for me. Entradas sobre richard stallman escritas por caespo. Richard stallman lo explica en esta video entrevista.

He campaigns for software to be distributed in a manner such that its users receive the freedoms to use, study, distribute, and modify that software. How i do my computing richard stallmans personal page. Software libre, su definicion y categorias angelinux. If you want to send me gpgencrypted mail, do not trust key servers.

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